Prof. Tianshu Bi
Vice President of North China Electric Power University
Executive Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources
Bio: Prof. Tianshu Bi (IEEE Fellow) is the vice president of North China Electric Power University and the executive deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources. She has been selected into the Distinguished Young Scholars of NSFC and the leading talent of the National Ten Thousand Talents Program. She also serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Proceedings of the CSEE, etc. Her main research is power system protection and control. In the past 5 years, she has led more than ten major key projects at the national level, including the major scientific research instrument development project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She has successively won 1 second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2 first prizes of the Ministry of Education Technology Invention Award, 1 first prize of the Technical Invention Award of the Institute of Electrotechnical Technology, and China Electric Power Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award.
Title: Protection Technology for Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Generation

Prof. Qi Huang
Vice President of Chengdu University of Technology
IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
Bio: Qi Huang, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, vice-president of Chengdu University of Technology. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Fuzhou University in 1996, the M.S. degree from Tsinghua University in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree from Arizona State University in 2003. He is currently a Professor with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, where he is the Executive Dean of the School of Energy Science and Engineering, and the Director of the Sichuan State Provincial Lab of Power System Wide-Area Measurement and Control. His current research and academic interests include power system instrumentation, power system monitoring and control, and power system high performance computing.
Title: Emerging Informatics and Their Application in Modern Novel Type of Power Systems

Prof. Canbing Li
Vice Chair of Department of Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
IET Fellow
Bio: Prof. Canbing Li (IET Fellow) is the vice-chair of Department of Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has been engaged in research on power system analysis and control, large-scale energy storage safety, etc. Prof. Li has published 105 SCI journal (including 5 ESI journal papers), and has undertaken 8 national-level scientific research projects, including the Young Program of NSFC, the General Program of NSFC, the Key Program of NSFC, the Outstanding Young Scholars of NSFC and the National Key R&D Project for Intergovernmental International Cooperation. He has won 2 provincial and ministerial first prizes and a number of national academic awards.
Title: Interaction Law, Application and Prospects between Power System and Micro-Meteorology

Prof. Zhe Chen
Aalborg University, Denmark
IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
Bio: Dr Chen received his Ph.D. degree in Power and Control, from University of Durham, England, he has been a full Professor with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark since 2002.
Professor Chen is the leader of Wind Power System Research program at the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University. His main current research interests are wind energy, power electronics, power system and modern energy systems. He has led many international and national research projects and has more than 800 technical publications. He is a panel member and a review expert for many international funding organizations.
Dr Chen is a member of editor boards of many international journals, including Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Subject Editor (wind turbine control) of IET Renewable Power Generation, etc. He is a Fellow of IET, a Chartered Engineer in the U.K., a Fellow of IEEE, a member of Danish Academy of Technical Sciences.
Title: Power Electronics in Modern Power Systems
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